For: The Institute Of Contemporary And Emerging Worship Studies, St. Stephen’s University, Essentials Blue Online Worship Theology Course with Dan Wilt (ICEWS, eb 08)
The most recent assignment for the Essentials Blue course of writing my worldview was overwhelming for me. When trying to figure out how to begin, I realized I wasn’t sure I understood worldview meant, so I checked it out on the internet and found the following definitions:
world·view -noun: 1. The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world. 2. A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group.1
“A person’s worldview, whether it be Christian, humanist or whatever is a personal insight about meaning and reality. It is how a person interprets, through his or her own eyes, a personal belief about the world. A person’s worldview tries to give reasons for how the facts of reality relate and tie together. The summation of these facts provides the big picture into which the daily events of a person’s life should fit.”2
So, this seems simple enough, right? Not so! I wrestled over every thought and every word! So much so, that when my husband left for work today he said, “by the time you finish that assignment your worldview will be different!” That comment left me wondering about how my worldview has changed over time. Growing up in the Vineyard, I remember John Wimber using the term often when he preached, but I don’t think I considered my own worldview until today. It left me with (as Dan Wilt would say) some beautiful questions: How has my worldview changed? Would it be meaningful to read it through yearly? How has my theology changed? Is it okay for my theology to “change”?!? Actually, I think I would clarify by saying my theology has shifted, but even admitting that surprises me. I grew up believing truth is truth and it doesn’t change or shift! Lots of things to consider!
With this in mind, I humbly submit the following:
God. Creator and Sustainer of all life, never-failing in His covenant of everlasting love toward all His creation. Eternal, uncrowned3 King, infinite, unchangeable Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, goodness, justice, power and love. He is three persons, of one substance, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory.4
Humans. Created for relationship with each other, with the rest of the created order and above all,5 created to join the circle of the love relationship established before time in the Three-in-One. Image-bearers, revealing God as they create from creation,6 and as they watch over and care for creation. Seekers of relationship with and connection to Someone who can rescue them and put the world to rights.
Kingdom of God. In Jesus heaven and earth have intersected once and for all. He is the One through whom God’s promises and purposes are fulfilled, evil is judged, a new reign of justice and peace are ushered in.7 Jesus healing the sick, casting out demons, forgiving sin, and raising the dead, were and continue to be signs of God’s kingdom intersecting earth. Joy, amazement, wonder, breaking into song, loud exclamation, celebration and dance are all reactions and responses to God’s kingdom.8 We are agents of His kingdom, the ones through whom heaven now intersects earth, the ones through whom new creation is released, the ones through whom Jesus heals, forgives, saves, cleanses, releases, brings freedom and loves.
New Creation. God’s promise to Abraham was that “through this people the creator God will bring restoration and healing to the whole world”9 and specifically through the arrival of the ultimate king, Jesus. We celebrate Jesus’ resurrection as the beginning of new creation. Every act (love, beauty, forgiveness, justice, and restoration) is an action of new creation. We are calling forth new creation as we care for each other and the world around us.
New Earth. GOD WILL LIVE WITH US! The past will be not be remembered, He will wipe away every tear, there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, and we, His people, will be a joy! The new earth is the home of right-relating with God and all creation,10 full of new prospects and possibilities!11 “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.”12
1 American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, 2000.
3 Don Williams Who Is The God We Worship video
4 Vineyard Statement of Faith
5 Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense, page 36
6 Dan Wilt, Essentials Blue week 4 audio
7 Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense, page 100
8 Derek Morphew: The Arrival of the King video
9 Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense, page 84
10 Isaiah 65:17-18; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:3-4
11 Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense, page 219
12 Revelation 22:20