Monday, December 1, 2008

Let Us Be Love

I wrote a song for my final project for the Essentials Blue course. I'm late with it...really late, because I couldn't figure out how to record the song or how to post it! My apologies to my fellow E*B students and instructors, Dan Wilt & Will Bernard. My son-in-law, Ryan Webster played, sang a background vocal, recorded it for me (please check out his music!), and he's the one who helped me figure out how to link it. Good thing my daughter married him...

Over the past two years I have felt my heart soften toward people. Odd thing to say? I think so, too, since loving people is the mark of those who follow Jesus. But after hearing my pastor say "Love God, love people" was the bottom line, reading a few amazing books, participating in some classes through the Institute of Contemporary and Emerging Worship Studies, and understanding the issue of human trafficking, I have found that I long to be love to every person I come in contact with, regardless of who they are (believer/follower of God or not).

N.T. Wright's assertion in Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense that new creation happens through us, was one of the most inspiring aspects of the 5-week Essentials Blue course. While wrestling with the longing to touch those trapped through trafficking, especially the children abused through pornography, I wrote the first section of lyrics for the following song. When I began working on the final project I came across the lyrics and whereas when I first wrote them they were my cry through words alone, this time they sang as I read them. I added the chorus and tag, inspired by our readings and discussions.

One more thought. Psalm 89:14 (NLT) says,
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne.
Unfailing love and truth walk before you as attendants.
Right-relationship and justice are the foundation of His throne! I love God! I want to be like Him. I want eyes to truly see people and for each touch of my hand to be an extension of His hand; new creation by and through the power of His Spirit, resident in me. I want to walk in right, true loving relationship with Him and with the people I see at the grocery store, mall & coffee shop. I long to be a life lived like Isaiah 1:17,
Learn to do good.
Seek justice.
Help the oppressed.
Defend the cause of orphans.
Fight for the rights of widows.
May I have eyes to see them and a willing heart to reach out to them.

I wrote this song on piano - a verse, a chorus and a tag. Simple. I like simple.

Here's the link to download the song:
Let Us Be Love

Let Us Be Love
Eyes that see the lonely
Eyes that see the lost
Eyes that see the broken, the weary
Hands extending mercy
Hands extending hope
Hands extending freedom and peace

Let us be Love in all we do
Let us be Love in all we say
Let us be Love

New creation, You make all things new
New creation, You make all things new

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Cindy. This is such a beautiful song - I like how you were able to capture it all in such few words.

I really like the way it's mixed too - reminiscent of the "echoes". I picture it being sung in a cathedral over a gathering of broken ones, and witnessing their lives being transformed.

Thanks for not giving up on this! Bless you.
